IoT Ideation Expert Workshop 2018
We thank all participants for this wonderful opportunity, the great experience and all the gathered insights.
On the 24th and 25th of October 2018 we held our IoT design expert workshop. Experts from all over Europe met in Chemnitz to try out and investigate the benefits and different approaches of their IoT design methods. In two packed days we explored seven unique IoT design methods.
Impressions of the Methods
The following methods and experts were part of our workshop:
- knowCards represented by Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
- IoT Ideation Cards represented by Dries De Roeck
- Co-create the IoT represented by Nathalie Stembert
- Mapping the IoT represented by Ilaria Vitali
- IoT Design Deck represented by Federica Tazzi, Katarzyna Leszczynska and Massimiliano Dibitonto
- Tiles IoT Toolkit represented by Franscesco Gianni
- Cards’n’Dice by team Miteinander
The Workshops
The workshops were tight packed and there was much input from all participants. We started with a short introduction of the method by its inventor who also guided us through their session. Often the methods were used with a prepared scenario, e.g. designing an IoT enhanced bicycle helmet. Many methods, e.g. IoT Ideation Cards, Co-create the IoT or IoT Design Deck, support more than one stage of the design process. Because of our tight schedule we only managed to try out selected phases of most tools.
What we found out
Creativity is hard to pinpoint. Therefore, helping designers in their task is difficult without setting barriers that designers might find annoying. Yet, these methods show that it is a possible task and they do support design in a manner of ways. This might be due to dividing the mess of design into particular steps. Or bringing the mind into a playful (playful as in exploring via rule-free play) state. Much of the material of the methods also highlight important aspects in the field of design or especially IoT.
The event has shown us how important it is to get in touch with fellow researchers. We need to do more than become familiar with each others methods and publications. Design can only benefit from really exposing us to the methods and tools of our colleagues in a hands-on approach. Using the methods proved to be a great difference than merely studying them from publications alone.
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Albrecht Kurze
#IoT #Design #Methods #Ideation #Innovation